Local Authority of the Raunas Council,
On behalf of the Teleșeu village, Orhei district and on my own, I am extremely pleased to extend my warmest congratulations on the occasion of the National Day. I wish you and the citizens of Latvia lasting health, prosperity and peace.
Over the past years, our countries have developed a strong and friendly relationship and I am confident that we will continue to enjoy a dynamic cooperation further on. Republic of Latvia has always supported the Republic of Moldova’s commitment to integrate into the common European space and I hope that we will be able to count on your valuable support in the future as well.
Following our fruitful collaboration and efficient partnership, allow us to congratulate you. We do really hope to maintain and to strengthen our cultural, economic and political ties.
Taking this opportunity, please accept the assurance of my highest consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Anatol Bucatcă
Mayor Teleșeu village, Orhei district
Republic of Moldova